Agriculture inspection is to evaluate and monitor that agricultural practices follow state and federal regulations regarding food safety and public health. The inspector inspects and quantifies the amount of fertilizers, pesticides or herbicides used in plantations or farms and compare it with the reference values allowed by authorities.
By implementing food inspection, we help you to react timely and avoid costly rework. you can control a given number of samples within a defined lot and follow a fixed sampling plan according to specific points of control in order to identify issues at their source, maintain product consistency, ensure local and legal regulations are followed during transportation and to enhance your company image. Qualitor’s food inspections allow you to spot inconsistencies in your production way before they leave the farm or factory, helping you react timely and avoid costly rework, sorting or recalls. We are able to inspect and clarify quality and quantity of food and feed from farm to full loading and discharge.
Qualitor agriculture services reassure you that the products are at the best level, in terms of quality and quantity. Also the customer can be sure that the receives of product based on the terms of the contract.